Best friend + Birthday = Adult Ball Pit!

What better way to celebrate CHALLENGE 3…

Whoever came up with the idea to make one of my childhood favourites into a bar is an absolute genius.

I remember searching aimlessly on wowcher for deals (you know Shivy loves a bargain).

And I came across the Adult Ball Pit; I thought why not?

Now the whole idea of #25For25 is to do things I’ve never done before, go to places I’ve never visited etc and do these challenges with different people each time.

Because it was March and my bestie Shae was celebrating her 27th birthday I knew she would be perfect to go with.

So I found this cool place in Dalston called Ballie Ballerson and as the title suggests…it’s a bar filled with hundreds of thousands of balls  *relives childhood*

Upon arrival we were greeted by hipsters, neon lights and Aztec prints all over the walls.

When we finally got to the pit I almost forgot what you have to do…like when you’re a kid life doesn’t come with an instruction manual you just go wild.

So Shae and I decided to be less reserved and release our inner 5 year old lol

Of course….I was a little less graceful (see below footage)

The slots are only meant to be an hour, but please believe Shae and I stayed longer. After being in the office for hours this was the perfect way to unwind and celebrate a birthday 🎉

But in typical Shiv fashion something had to go ‘wrong’ lol. If you read the rules as you enter it says “belongings are taken into the pit at your own risk. Be wary of dropping phones…’

But when you’re Shivy, you always have your phone out #SnapChatQueen. In the following snap, a girl says in the background “what if your lose your phone in here” 👀

…and surprise surprise I lost my phone 😂😫

I can laugh about it now because of course my phone was retrieved. But at the time boy was I shook.
I made a stupid split second error trying to save my battery. I put my phone on flight mode and popped it in my top pocket and then boom – it dropped.
Ironically I NEVER lose things 🙄

So Shae, myself and these three lovely Irish girls spent the next 45 mins diving into thousands of neon plastic balls…aimlessly searching for my iPhone 6s #TheScreenAintCracked

Honestly…I wasn’t worried. You’d think that I was but all I could think of was… “damn, I hope no one steals it because I don’t condone physical violence 😂” 

AND this thought also popped into my mind “If one of these girls steps on it and the screen cracks, its peak…for them.”

Eventually the night came to the end and I had already spoken to the security guy who was inside the pit with us. 

When he managed to throw everyone out (except Shae and I 😁) we searched for the phone for a while. Then he said in true Nigerian-Clark-Kent-esque fashion “Step aside ladies”…

He took one step in, threw a couple balls out the way, stomped his feet and clapped three times and found my phone! I was buzzing…especially because at that time amongst many other lost items my phone was the only thing to be found.

Lost items included: Lost earrings, a few lost phones and a  shoe

I did a little tap dance and wanted to bless the security guy for finding my phone so I gave him a big hug and a tenner and made my way.

And of course had to snap about the experience lol…

Overall this challenge was super fun and I’m gonna try my best to update this blog as frequently as possible because I’m super behind! 

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