Challenge numero Quattro – Escape London πŸ•΅πŸΎβ€β™€οΈ
So here’s something I’ve never done before; purposely get locked in a room for fun and try to escape – casual.
I got some of my girls together and thought that this would be the perfect team building exercise…plus we all love a challenge!
These are girls that I mentor, Bridget, Leanne, Mary and Esther…as well as the lovely Ore; they’re actually good friends of mine too. 

When we finally agreed on an evening we could all do we literally counted down the days.

The website doesn’t say much about the experience itself, I guess they don’t want to give too much away. And not only that – it adds to the mystery.

The first task of the day was to get everyone to the venue on time…head count:
Shiv check βœ”οΈ

Bridget: check βœ”οΈ

Leanne: check βœ”οΈ

Esther: check βœ”οΈ

Mary? uh oh…

Things were going so well but we couldn’t start without all our team present…

Eventually we all made it to the venue and realised Mary was there all along – panic over  we were finally  ready to start πŸ˜ƒ 

…Well we couldn’t proceed without snapchatting the entrance, the door, the sign, each other…our entire surroundings 

*rolls eyes* 

​​…heck I think we even snapped our feet walking into the building haha


Once we were finished playing the over excited “I need to film everything in my path like a millennial” game, we were ready for our slot.

Our guide explained the task in the most cryptic way possible. He gave us a safety briefing and explained that there is no video footage aloud. 

​​My only concern was that nothing or nobody would drag me to some basement

Our escape room theme was ‘Area 51’, so that’s all things space, extra terrestrials, government conspiracies, UFOs you name it!

Once you get in, things are intense. We’re naturally competitive and brainy women so we all got into role from the get go. 

When you’re in there and the clock is ticking, you find yourself thinking into things way too much. You literally try to decode everything in sight until you realise ITS NOT THAT DEEP lol.

Honestly it’s so fun, I really wish you could film inside because you could see how serious we all took it. 

I think when it came to the half an hour mark (when we managed to get into the second room) we all split up and looked for clues.

The majority of the time was spent running around shouting and trying to decipher hieroglyphic type writings on the wall.

You guys will really have to use your imagination because without footage it’s difficult to paint a picture…

It’s not escape rooms without cool costumes! Man I really got into it πŸ˜‚


We finished with about a minute to spare (with a little help lol) and were greeted with an open door and our guide saying CONGRATS!  

We were all given a certificate…you can tell how excited the team was…

Photo op.


We did so well but the real challenge was finding somewhere to eat afterwards… ​

The gang and I ended up at Westfield White City. I really really wanted to eat Chinese; and everything that began with the letter C looked like CH-CH-CH Chinese to me…​


We eventually ate and made our way home. But of course we had to have an eventful commute back East…

Meet this lady here below. 

She proceeded to tell us how she had just met her favourite celebratory crush, and how she wiped the sweat off his body…all the while her BOYFRIEND was stood there shaking his head.

She was super drunk but so entertaining…well until she tickled me!? (Yes, she actually tickled me) Saints it took every inch of restraint to not react πŸ˜‚ #ImmaStaySaved


All in all, I would recommend going to an Escape Room activity. Great team building and generally so jokes because you see everyone’s competitive side in a light hearted but ever so serious setting!

Here’s the contact info of the place we visited ‡️

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