Never have I ever… been to a circus!

One thing I love about these #25For25 challenges is that every time I ask someone if they want to join me… they say yes duh

But not only that, the majority of them haven’t done the challenges either! So it makes things even more exciting

Meet Liz, singer-song writer-natural hair extraordinaire, did I forget to mention she’s also my twin πŸ€₯☺️

This gorgeous girl decided to put up with me for a few hours and join me at the circus.

When we arrived we were welcomed by your standard large red circus tent and these circus workers in penguin suits.

​​Liz and I waked in and the first thing my Scooby-doo nose picked up was candy floss and popcorn πŸ˜‚

Do you think it’s free?” Liz and I said simultaneously as we watched the workers offer sugary snacks to other attendees.

It’s not free.” Said Liz and I, once again in true twin fashion.

Then came the plate spinners… they make it look so easy… sorry Liz, Sorry Shiv.

​​The clocks ticked and a ‘clown’ came out to do a bit of a crowd warmer. I don’t even know if you can call him a clown though…


Big red wig – nope

Over-sized floppy shoes – nope

Rainbow coloured overalls – nope

…but he did have a goofy sense of humour so we’ll give him that.

The show began with the African gymnasts who made me want to jump in and be part of the human pyramid.



Then came the legend himself, Mr Norman Barret, MBE. Another audience member was so happy to see him she mentioned how Norman looks good for his age and that he’s been doing the show since she was a kid.

Guys, the next act was crazy. This lady Kim who was a boss of an acrobat, but honestly if i was her age I’d prefer to be sipping on pina coladas in my mansion with my grand-kids running around lol!



You need to clock, she has the thing around her neck folks….Liz and I DID NOT want to witness any fatalities today.


​I don’t really need to go into much detail about the show, the proof is in the footage – it was lively!









All the performers are incredibly talented but i reckon the one that had me on the edge of my seat the most were the knife throwers. WHAT ON EARTH!?

The shows finale involved ‘The Globe of Death’ with about 4 motor cyclists riding around leaving all audience member thinking ‘I could do that.’ lol

Overall, the show was great, not too long and not too short. I couldn’t say that I had a favourite act. The end drew closer and all performers came out to receive a roar of applause and a standing ovation.


Liz and I decided to join them on the road so look at for us when they’re next in town. We’ll be the two clowns, attempting to juggle and dropping plates everywhere…

​​Thank you Zippos Circus!



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