
πŸŽ— 25 FOR 25 πŸŽ—

Your girl is turning #25 this year! πŸΎπŸ‘΅πŸΎ

And to celebrate I’ve decided to do a little challenge!


Over Christmas I came up with the idea that I should do 25 things I’ve NEVERΒ done, before the year ends. Sort of like a bucket list!


I’ve already done things like, climbed a waterfall, sang at the Royal Albert Hall, flown to 10+ countries, had my song played on the radio 🎧, graduated, dissected a body…yeah you know, ‘normal stuff‘ πŸ˜‚πŸ˜ΆπŸ‘€

Feel free to message me with ideas! I’m up for suggestions, this could be fun (or not) πŸ˜…πŸ€”πŸ’­

Over the year I’ll be documenting the challenge and you can follow my journey on Instagram, Facebook & Twitter.

#Shivs25th #25for25 #ShivyTurns25 #25thBirthday #Bucketlist

Check out my first blog post!

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Let The Challenges Begin…